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Team spirit


Let's the name of Sunnyday more shining

In the eve of a new millennium Sunny Day Adult Day Health Care Center (ADHC) and SunnyDay Asia Services Center were both established in the Fall of 1999. Time has progressed rapidly that SunnyDay h been in existence for five years no In retrospect, support from loc government and community has be instrumental in our growth to just hard work and sacrifices. On f special occasion, I would like commend all participants for their participation at the center. My heartfelt gratitude go to our friend and neighbors, community partners and staff members for their compassion to serve elderly. This is day we should all celebrate together with honor and pride.

At the turn of the 21st century, a number of major world events occurred such as war on terrorism and followed by the economic down has triggered a wave of social instability. Social programs elderly were being slashed due to budget deficit causing many senior stake, both in California as well across the nation. Providing quality care for elderly became a dire priority in our community. Under this circumstance, in the past five years,

our team has been inspired by the vision of humanity that thrived when we serve others with passion. Because of our commitment to serve and expertise, we have received much recognition and praise from community leaders in Southern California in the area of providing community healthcare, mental health services and social support for seniors.

In May of 2002, SunnyDay ADHC has launched its educational extension program - SunnyDay Elderly Community College and began enrollment. After two years of interactive teaching and learning, forty three elderly with the average age of seventy seven have earned an associated degree. News hit the mainstream media and was televised on the public networks.

Like other professional private healthcare providers for seniors, our mission is to advocate for their civil rights, provide social services and education, and build coalitions to positively influence and impact senior Chinese Americans and worked towards building inter-ethnic relations. In January 2001, Sunny Day Aging Foundation (SAF) was established with seed money raised by SunnyDay ADHC.

Our effort demonstrated strong involvement and dedication in meaningful community project in our own communities.

Five year may seem as a long period of time in our lifetime, however, it is merely a beginning phase for an organization. At SunnyDay ADHC, we committed to invest energy, time and financial resources to improve our quality of services and explore untapped service areas. In our own ways we can make a difference. We are dedicated to working alongside the teachings of our vision - "Hope, Health and Vitality", the motto served as the commemoration of the past five years of hard work. Let us remind ourselves that caring seniors at SunnDay is everyone's responsibility. Our elderly need our civic leaders, family and friends to show affection and support to them. Showered with compassion and support, SunnyDay will blossom and prospect. Like a shinning star, we radiant.


SunnyDay ADHC has been in operation for five years. As a healthcare provider we take pride in improving quality of life for seniors through social support, counseling and particularly through education. Armed with knowledge, elderly have more self - confidence, project a positive self- image and begin a new journey that will lead them to higher level of life satisfaction. The establishment of SunnyDay Elderly Community was a milestone in promoting self - enrichment among seniors.

Our personal encounter with elderly tells us that emotional needs are far more important than material one for seniors. Therefore, we promote self- enrichment through lifelong learning for seniors. Individually, elderly can lift up to the teachings at SunnyDay -living life to the fullest through learning. Together, education helped create a harmonious society. After two years of hard work, forty three elderly with an average age of seventy seven have all graduated with dignity. Our community was thrilled of their accomplishment. Besides gaining new knowledge, many seniors have found friendship and support among peers and became more well-rounded. Their lives are more fulfilling and w are all very proud of them. Conflict once commended, "Having the opportunity to practice what '"learned is an enjoyable experience What we like to add is " As we age having the opportunity to practice what we learned is an enjoyable experience.

Commencement for next academe year is coming soon! As a member the faculty, I would like to divers our curriculum, provide m( resources to enhance student learning experience and improve graduation rate of our student bod3 encourage family members to provide support to their seniors. Academic success is not only individual achievement, but collectively -everyone's in our community.


Copyright© 2004-2005 Sunnyday adult day health care