Healthcare center Brief introduction

English Class

Learn basic skills of English to be able to communicate better with the community in English speaking world. Give sense of security, self-esteem, and the ability to make needs known outside of Chinese culture.


Involves creative expression, rhythm skills, and communication skills, reestablishing speech patterns, memory recall, gross motor skills, sensory awareness, and strengthening lungs as well as studying music from various cultures and periods, rhythm patterns, various instruments and singing.

Dance Class

Stimulate communication through the body, gain a greater range of movement, improve cardiovascular functioning, stimulate senses, learn to relax and breathe effectively, increase self-awareness and social-sharing skills.

Arts and Crafts

Involvs strengthening fine motor skills, eye-coordination, tactile awareness, special perception, sensory motor skills and creative expression as well as working with design, color and various media.

Peer Support Group

Group members will be able to share their feelings, interest, experiences, and concerns. The group will help individuals to produced better social skills to express their feelings, and will have a more positive outlook on their situation as a result.

Chinese Painting

Provide participants with techniques in basic Chinese painting, involve, strengthening fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, sensory motor skills and creative expression as well.

Health Education

A physician will discuss specific medical problems with participants on a monthly basis. Provide education, information and prevention relating to their medical needs to their language.

Tai-Chi Exercise

Learn to relax and breathe effectively accompanying with body movement, involving range of motion, strengthening, balance, and coordination, improve energy level and activity endurance.

English Class
Citizenship Class
Cantonese Class
Photography Class
Chinese Painting Class
Chinese Operas Class
Cultural Dancing Class
International Dances Class
Dance Creation Class
Weaving Class
Japanese Songs Class
Chinese Old Songs Class
Chess Club
Beautification Class
Cultural Issues Discussion Class
Ethics Discussion Class
Computer Class
Bible Study Class
Sketching Class
Table Games Club
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